Body to being:
A bio-psycho-social meeting Point by

Deniz Liebert;
Physiotherapist. Compassion Focused Coach.
Connection Facilitator.

For Resourcefulness in Your Body, Mind & Relationships.  

I Support Compassionate Self-Wisdom & Aligned Action to Liberate Meaningful Change Within:

◦Stress ◦Nervous System Integration  ◦Pain & Disease 
◦Lifestyle and Behavior

Self-Connection & Leadership  Authentic Expression  Relating & Communication

Consulting packages, events & 1:1 support

I Work With
Corporate Health & Wellness,
Events & Privates
Designing & Facilitating Tailored Packages;
Interactively Bridging Theory and Experience.
Where Modern Health Science Meets Ancient Wisdom,
And Each Individual Is Empowered to Actualization
- While Part of a Supportive Environment

It is possible.

Body - Mind Values

Deep Listening At The Core of Everything.

Gain Neuro-Awareness for Natural Self-Regulation & Easeful Expansion Into Change.

-Western Physiotherapy
-Eastern Practices
-Intuitive Expression & Action

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Relating as Medicine

Quality Relationships & Social Environments Are Invaluable to Our Health & Wellbeing.

In Intentional Relational Spaces We Can Meet Our Conditionings, And Create What We Want.

Authentic Relating Is The Skillful Art of Safe, Honest and Expansive Connection.

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Bodywork & Massage

Bodywork Can Have a Profound Effect on The Emotional and Energetical Layers.

Feeling Safe & Held Allows Deepened Connection, Releases and Healing.

My Treatments Offer Unconditional Loving Presence, With Craft Techniques For The Physical Tissues.

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Why this?

Health is so much more than the absence of disease. 

It’s notions of possibility, agency, and a capacity to align with the self or life you long for.

For this we need awareness. Of what we truly want or need, and of the old patterns no longer serving us. Nestled deep in our nervous systems

We also need expertise on how to work with the unique patterns – rather than against hem. 

Awareness precedes change. Compassion makes it peaceful. My guidance makes it easier and sustainable


My story

I used to identify with my disconnection from self. Living within stories of myself as scattered, indecisive, undefined and overthinking. Coping through common behaviors like dysregulated eating, drinking, always-doing and media consumption. 
This disconnection was the result of a habituated resistance to being deeply intimate with myself, shaped over many years and experiences.
And when I couldn’t be intimate with my own self, naturally I struggled to connect deeply with others. Longing to develop meaningful connections, yet feeling ruled by unseen forces, blocking me. 
Gratefully, one of my natural inclinations is towards self development and deepened understanding. Gradually leading me closer to home, until the day I allowed my intuition to initiate a life changing journey of embodied self-discovery and relational transformation. 
Rooted in awareness and intimacy with life. Presence.
I now feel inspired alignment within my values, qualities and capabilities, and more so, a YES to keep enjoying this journey and these practices for the rest of my life as I welcome my imperfections. 

I feel the most energized when I support others to experience the aliveness of allowing their deeper guidance through.

This is it.

I love curiosity - let's chat!

Companies, educational centers, couples, individuals, alien invaders. Think I might have something for you? Send me a message today and we can explore if it’s a match! 

Currently in stockholm
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